Equal Credit Opportunity Act - Equal Credit Opportunity Act

Equal Credit Opportunity Act  - equal credit opportunity act

The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) is a United States law (codified at 15 U.S.C. § 1691 et seq.), enacted 28 October 1974, that makes it unlawful for any creditor to discriminate against any applicant, with respect to any aspect of a credit transaction, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, or age (provided the applicant has the capacity to contract); to the fact that all or part of the applicant's income derives from a public assistance program; or to the fact that the applicant has in good faith exercised any right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act. The law applies to any person who, in the ordina ry course of business, regularly participates in a credit decision, including banks, retailers, bankcard companies, finance companies, and credit unions.

Failure to comply with the Equal Credit Opportunity Act's Regulation B can subject a financial institution to civil liability for actual and punitive damages in individual or class actions. Liability for punitive damages can be as much as $10,000 in individual actions and the lesser of $500,000 or 1% of the creditor's net worth in class actions.

Equal Credit Opportunity Act  - equal credit opportunity act

Among other things, the ECOA states that it is illegal for creditors to:

  • Discriminate based on race, sex, age, national origin, or marital status, or because one receives public assistance.
  • Ask about marital status if a candidate is applying for separate, unsecured credit, with one exception: one can be asked about marital status if one lives in a community property state. No matter what the state of residence is, joint credit (credit shared by a married couple) or credit secured with property is exempt from this.
  • Ask the candidate if they plan to have children or additional children, but creditors can ask about the number, ages, and financial obligations relating to all existing children.
  • Disallow regular sources of income, such as reliable veteran's benefits, welfare payments, Social Security payments, alimony, child support, etc. Nor may they refuse to consider or discount any income earned from a part-time job, pension, annuity, or retirement benefits program.

Equal Credit Opportunity Act  - equal credit opportunity act

The ECOA states that creditors must:

  • Inform the candidate if they have been denied or granted credit within 30 days of receiving their completed application. This can be accomplished orally, but is best done in writing.
  • Give the specific reason(s) (or tell how to get the reason(s)) why one is denied credit or granted credit differently than under the terms for which they originally applied. This same rule applies if a creditor closes the account, refuses to increase a line of credit, makes a negative change in the terms of the credit and doesn't make the same change for other consumers, or refuses to give credit at the same, or approximately the same, terms as were offered when the credit was initially applied for.

Equal Credit Opportunity Act  - equal credit opportunity act

When the Banking committee marked up the ECOA, congresswoman Lindy Boggs added the provision banning discrimination due to sex or marital status without informing the other members of the committee beforehand, personally inserting the language on her own and photocopying new versions of the bill. She then told the other committee members, "Knowing the members composing this committee as well as I do, I'm sure it was just an oversight that we didn't have 'sex' or 'marital status' included. I've taken care of that, and I trust it meets with the committee's approval." The committee unanimously approved the bill.

Equal Credit Opportunity Act  - equal credit opportunity act

Equal Credit Opportunity Act  - equal credit opportunity act

  • Smith, Arnold (1988). Rebuilding your credit. 
  • "Equal Credit Opportunity". Facts for Consumers. US Federal Trade Commission. March 1998. Archived from the original on 2007-04-25. Retrieved 2007-04-30. 

Equal Credit Opportunity Act  - equal credit opportunity act
External links

  • Annual Report to Congress on the Equal Credit Opportunity Act â€" These annual reports by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System discuss actions taken in response to the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.
  • Public Law 93-495, 93d Congress, H.R. 11221: An Act To Increase Deposit Insurance From $20,000 To $40,000, To Provide Full Insurance For Public Unit Deposits Of $100,000 Per Account, To Establish A National Commission On Electronic Fund Transfers, And For Other Purposes; Equal Credit Opportunity Act; Fair Credit Billing Act

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